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【限時優惠】Ensonkan Omega 3 + Vitamin D3 and K1 (安迅康MAG-O3™ 高濃度魚油) 60 粒

【限時優惠】Ensonkan Omega 3 + Vitamin D3 and K1 (安迅康MAG-O3™ 高濃度魚油) 60 粒
安迅康MAG-O3™ 高濃度魚油 -60粒
Ensonkan Omega 3 + Vitamin D3 and K1
1. 採用MAG-O3™專利技術:毋需消化即可吸收!
2. 科研實證:3倍高吸收!
MAG-O3™技術於魁北克開發,在全球超過 11 個國家取得專利,並已完成20項臨床試驗,發表超過25篇研究報告!
3. 科研實證:只需8週,顯著提升Omega-3指數水平
臨床實驗證明:MAG-O3™魚油能夠幫助健康人群在短短8週內提升Omega-3指數水平到8%!相比之下,持續補充相同劑量的EE 或rTG 魚油8週,均未能達到建議的Omega-3指數水平。
4. 採用真空短程蒸餾萃取:純淨高品質
6. IFOS 5星認證:好產品經得起考驗
IFOS(International Fish Oil Standards)是目前世界上針對魚油檢測及認證的權威第三方機構,檢測標準甚至還比WHO還要嚴苛。IFOS會以5星制度(最高評價為5顆星)來評價魚油產品,只有通過嚴格、高標準檢驗的魚油產品,才能獲取IFOS頂級的5星評價。
安迅康自創立以來,一直嚴格要求產品品質,安迅康MAG-03™高濃度魚油憑藉出眾品質取得IFOS 5星魚油認證,好產品自然經得起考驗。
7. FOS 認證:共同維護海洋環境
海洋之友(Friend of the Sea; FOS)是義大利非政府組織—世界永續組織(World Sustainability Organization)推出的海洋保育計畫之一。海洋之友提供認證機制,為消費者檢視水產品是否出自可信賴且具永續管理的供應商,從而維護海洋環境保育。
維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)..............................................1.5微克(60 IU)
Ensonkan® Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 and K1
Ensonkan® Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 and K1 is a revolutionary supplement crafted with advanced MAG-O3™ patented technology developed in Quebec, Canada. Our formula stands out for its concentrated monoglyceride form of Omega-3 (EPA and DHA), delivering superior absorption compared to standard Omega-3 oils. By integrating Vitamin D3 and K1 alongside the powerful MAG-O3™ fish oil technology, Ensonkan® offers a multifaceted supplement designed to optimize nutrient absorption and support various aspects of your health, ensuring you get a more comprehensive and effective solution in a single product.
What is MAG-O3™?
MAG-O3™ Omega-3s are distinctive due to their pre-digested composition, optimized for maximum absorption in the body. While our bodies naturally convert Omega-3s into Omega-3 monoglycerides for absorption, our MAG-O3™ oil undergoes an innovative enzymatic process, transforming into a "pre-digested" form rich in readily absorbable Omega-3 monoglycerides.
The patented MAG-O3™ technology ensures that our products are concentrated in Omega-3 monoglycerides, negating the need for extensive digestion. These monoglyceride fatty acids self-emulsify, bypassing bile salt emulsification in the digestive process. As a result, they swiftly bypass the digestive system and are seamlessly assimilated by your body. Ensonkan® uses only premium MAG-O3™ monoglyceride form omega-3, clinically shown to provide up to 3x more EPA & DHA than traditional ethyl ester (EE) form omega-3 supplements, and up to 2x more than triglyceride (TG) form fish oils.
Ensonkan® Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 and K1 is certified by Health Canada with NPN 80126425.
Recommended Use:
Source of EPA and DHA for the maintenance of good health. Helps maintain/support cardiovascular health; Support cognitive health and/or brain function; Build strong bones/(and) teeth; Maintain/support immune function/the immune system.
Recommended Dosage:
6 years old and above: 2 soft gels, 1 time per day
Cautions and Warnings:
Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are taking blood thinners. Keep in cool, dry places and away from heat. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal is broken.
*This product may contain fish
This product is manufactured using MAG-O3™ fish oil(s). MAG-O3™ is a registered trademark of High 5 Health Group Inc.
*This statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

*This website supplement products is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance.
Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.