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Prairie Naturals Sytrinol ® Cholest force V-Capsule 清醇靈 60粒 30天內降低膽固醇 (全新包裝)

Prairie Naturals Sytrinol ® Cholest force V-Capsule 清醇靈 60粒 30天內降低膽固醇 (全新包裝)
Prairie Naturals Sytrinol ® Cholest force V-Capsule
Each V-Capsule contains:
Sytrinol®* 300 mg containing:
-Mandarin Orange peel (Citrus nobilis, peel) - 270 mg
-Standardized to contain 36% Polymethoxylated flavones
-Palm seed oil (Elaeis guineensis, seed) - 30 mg
-Standardized to contain 15% Tocotrienols
Multiple studies show Sytrinol decreases total cholesterol by 30 percent, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), bad cholesterol, by 27 percent and triglycerides by 34 percent. In addition, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol increases four percent. Sytrinol works by decreasing the oxidation of bad cholesterol, a factor in plaque formation and narrowing coronary arteries. Sytrinol also decreases inflammation of arteries, which is believed to be associated with an increased risk of coronary attack. And by lubricating platelets, the small blood particles responsible for blood clot formation, there’s less chance of one forming in coronary arteries.(*)
(*): Republished from the Winnipeg Press print edition – March 18, 2011.
Cautions & Warnings: Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Known Adverse Reactions: Diarrhea, increase in appetite, rash, insomnia, fatigue and body pain had been known to occur, in which case, discontinue use.
This product has been sealed for your protection. Do not use if seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.
Prairie Naturals Sytrinol ® Cholest force V-Capsule ule 清醇靈 60粒
都市白領久坐人群 / 工作忙碌上班人群
暴飲暴食人群 / 追求心血管健康人群
Elaeis guineensis(帕爾姆籽油)的託科三烯醇
微晶纖維素、硬脂酸鎂、棕榈油 植物纖維素、純淨水、明膠。
如果您是孕婦、正在哺乳期、有發生腹瀉、食慾 增加、皮疹、失眠、疲勞和身體疼痛的情況下, 請勿使用。
為確保您的安全而密封,請將該產品放在兒童接觸不到的陰涼、乾燥的地方。如密封 有損壞,請勿使用。
•預計在30天內可降低膽固醇 (配合健康飲食)